XIII Death

Mischtechnik on Canvas

She clings to her bones of old. It's been so long since her skin has felt the warmth of the summer sun, yet she clings to the decay of what used to bring her so much joy. It's been so long in this corrupted form that she's forgotten what its like to be herself. One dawn she sees the morning light dancing on the water accompanied by the faint smell of a warm summer day, and she finally recognizes the reality of her decayed world. Though change was scary, she burst from her shell into a new, fuller, and more realized version of herself.

Shadow side: Change is scary, but necessary. Sometimes it's as hard and scary as death, itself. Resisting the change will only bring more pain as the vines wrap around you and the bugs make a home in your head. The dawn is here. It is time to shed the things we need go let go of in order to find our power again.