XX Judgement

A time for self-reflection. Test the trueness of your heart. What is the difference between how you see yourself and your ideal self? Is there one? Self-acceptance is one of the hardest challenges of being in a meat suit. It's so easy to be critical of ourselves when there's someone we want to be... but reminding ourselves that that person is nothing but a mirage, a glowing ghost on a pedestal that will forever be out of reach. This becomes a mask that is what we project onto others. What are ways we project an ideal self to hide what we're truly feeling? Do we do that to hide it from ourselves too? This card beckons you to face yourself and how formative life experiences manifest in your behaviors and impulsive thoughts. Come back to Earth’s surface, but look at it from a cosmic perspective.Evaluate what is working for your growth, feel the feels, and remember to love yourself. Let go of the things that won’t matter when you reach your final destination.